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Financial peace of mind for a fair, flat fee.
At Sandringham-Darlington we specialise in providing bespoke financial planning. We work with individuals who wish to organise their pensions, savings and investments for optimum outcome in meeting their financial objectives and priorities, both now and in the future.
Our flat fee structure is designed to be fair and transparent and to ensure our services provide clear value to our clients. Our mission is to build trusted and lasting partnerships which help you achieve your financial goals over the short, medium and longer term.
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Confidence in your Plans

We provide independent financial advice on pensions, investments, savings and life insurance. Everything you need to put a robust, financial plan in place, tailored to your specific needs.

We’ll give you confidence around the big questions such as:
  • Can I afford to retire?
  • What will our lifestyle look like if I slow down from work?
  • What income can I reasonably expect from my pensions?
  • Am I on track to meet my financial goals?
  • Would my family be financially secure if I wasn’t here?
  • What would the impact of being unable to work for a period of time have on my financial position?
  • Am I able to help my children financially, whilst ensuring my own long-term financial needs are also met?

Personalised Cash Flow Plans

In building your personal cash flow model we can assess what level of income and assets will be necessary for your desired lifestyle, allowing us to put in place a highly personalised plan to help you achieve those goals. Cash flow planning is central to our advice process and you can read more about this here.

We believe it’s important that we can always demonstrate full transparency in the charges we make and why. Our flat ongoing fee is based on the inputs required to deliver a professional and comprehensive financial planning and ongoing review service. You can read more about our fees, along with some example case studies, here.

Based in the North East

Based in Darlington in County Durham, many of our clients come from towns and villages in the local and surrounding areas, however they also stretch from Hexham and Morpeth in the North East down to Derbyshire in the Midlands, the Wirral in Merseyside, Goole in the East Riding of Yorkshire and many places in between.

Cutting edge technology and robust online processes, along with a secure and interactive client portal, enable us to deliver our advice to you professionally, effectively and efficiently, wherever you are in the UK.

We provide regular online webinar events each month, covering popular financial topics. Events are free to attend and provide the opportunity for you to get a feel for our range of knowledge and our level of expertise. You can book a place at an event here.

If you’d prefer instead to have an informal chat to ask some specific questions and get to know who we are as advisers before committing to an initial meeting, please do give us a call using the number at the top of the page. Alternatively you can schedule a call at a time to suit you, here.

Whatever your financial needs and however you prefer to work with us, you can be assured of a personal and professional service at all times. A warm welcome awaits you.

Contact us for a free initial meeting to see if our services could be of benefit to you
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